02 May 2023  |  Ruben Darío Chambi, Diego Muñoz, Philipp Schorch et al.

What does it mean to be Indigenous in the 21st century?

Last week we were invited to present our work and research group on LMU Munich's official Instagram takeover account. To find out more about the story of Sina and Tinirau, palolo worms in the Pacific islands, doing fieldwork with kids or how El Alto became the "market city", make sure to visit the LMU Newsroom.

Colorful mural showing to women in Aymara attire almost kissing.Ruben Darío Chambi: „The growing urbanization of Bolivia's Aymara population and other international influences have prompted younger Indigenous generations to express critical views on former taboo subjects, among which sexuality and eroticism stand out. This mural is an example of these expressions promoted by collectives who, influenced by currents such as feminism and anarchism, are gradually questioning an Indigenous society that is increasingly connected to global debates and demands.” Photo: Raul Rodriguez Arancibia.