Books and journal issues

L’ouvrage montre de quelle manière cette société rapanui a pu renaitre localement et à travers une diaspora dès la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle, et comment ces expériences se sont poursuivies dans le temps resignifiant une identité rapanui du XXIe siècle dite "polynésienne", "ma‘ori" ou encore "ma ‘ohi".

In which ways are environments (post-)socialist and how do they come about? How is the relationship between the built environment, memory, and debates on identity enacted? What are the spatial, material, visual, and aesthetic dimensions of these (post-)socialist enactments or interventions? And how do such...

This co-written book offers a collaborative ethnographic investigation of Indigenous museum practices in three Pacific museums located at the corners of the so-called Poly­nesian triangle: Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Hawaiʻi – Museum of New Zea­land Te Papa Tongarewa – Museo Antropo­lógico Padre Sebastián Englert, Rapa Nui.

This book provides a new look at the old anthropological concern with materiality and connectivity. It understands materiality not as defined property of some-thing, nor does it take connectivity as merely a relation between discrete entities. Some­what akin to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, it sees materiality and connectivity as two...

What is the future of curatorship? Is there a vision for an ideal model, a curatopia – whether in the form of a utopia or dystopia? Or is there a plurality of approa­ches, amoun­ting to a curatorial heterotopia? This pio­neering volume addresses these questions by considering the current state of curatorship.

Los artículos presentados en este dossier dan cuenta en su conjunto, de un giro paradigmático en la investigación dialógica sobre Rapa Nui y que tiene dobles repercusiones: se plantea desde la generación de conocimiento nuevo y pretende aportar en la comprensión de...

In the context of pressing environmental challenges in the Pacific and indeed the world, this special issue sheds light on the diverse ways in which people in Oceania experience environments, as well as the diverse ways in which environmental knowledge can be articulated. 

This special issue juxtaposes articles on approaches to provenance research conducted at German museums and universities with articles on past, present and future potentialities of restitutions...

Articles and chapters

This article sets out to tackle the question: ‘What can museum anthropology do in the twenty-first century?’ It does so by focusing on the doing in a double sense: on what museum anthropology can do, as in affecting, impacting and achieving, as well as on museum anthropology’s own doing.

Back to the Future of Humboldtian Museums

In: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology 148 (2)

This article is an extended version in English of an editorial by H. Glenn Penny and Philipp Schorch with the title ‘Zurückgeben ist nicht die einzige Option’ which appeared in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung on 9 January 2022.

Im Zusammenhang mit den virulenten Museumsdebatten – zu Themen wie Provenienz, Restitution und Dekolonialisierung – stellen wir hier eine Grundfrage.

From Conservation to Conversation: Rethinking Collections Care at MARKK

In: Mitteilungen aus dem Museum am Rothenbaum, Neue Folge, Band 53

The Museum am Rothenbaum—Kulturen und Künste der Welt in Hamburg has been undergoing a comprehensive repositioning process. In this context, a two-day digital workshop was organized in 2021.

Book chapter in: Antropologías hechas en Chile. Volumen I, edited by Gonzalo Díaz Crovetto, Claudio Espinoza Araya, Francisca de la Maza Cabrera and Gemma Rojas Roncagliolo (Montevideo, Uruguay: Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología)

Book chapter in: A la croisée des vagues. Océaniens et Occidentaux: anthropologie historique de la violence (16e-19e siècles) by Éric Conte, Guillaume Molle and Serge Tcherkézoff (Papeete: Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme du Pacifique)

Material entities, mostly classified as “human remains”, held in German collections and museums still bear witness to the political, economic and scientific entanglements between Hawai‘i and...

Collaborations with source communities on exhibitions, provenance research, and restitutions have been widely introduced to museum practices worldwide. However...

An old Bible from Namibia, a mask from Cameroon, a spear from New Guinea, even human remains: ethnological museum collections include thousands of objects from Africa, Asia and the South Seas, but what is the real history of these things?

In this article, we approach the museum as archive and as infrastructure. We do so by introducing two research initiatives that set out to conceptually explore this nexus, and by hinting at methodological approaches and empirical lines of inquiry to be further pursued. The parallels between museums and archives as memory institutions...

En este artículo interrogamos el sistema de tenencia de la tierra en Rapa Nui centrándonos en los mecanismos de creación del dominio, la propiedad y la transmisión de esta...

La antropología chilena en Rapa Nui. Una retrospectiva

In: Antropologias del Sur  and republished in: Déjà Lu  10

El presente ensayo analiza el desarrollo de la antropología – y en particular la antropología social chilena – en Rapa Nui y el lugar que ocupa la isla en la disciplina, al determinar sus características y aportes en la comunidad local. El estudio aborda...

Materielle Verflechtungsgeschichte. Ein Plädoyer

In: Zeitschrift für Weltgeschichte  21 (2)

Um es auf den Punkt zu bringen: Historiker:innen lesen und schreiben. Die Handwerkskunst dieser Profession zeichnet sich dadurch aus, basierend auf vornehmlich schriftlichen Quellen, Texte zu verfassen, die versuchen, sich an...

This article introduces the art historical method of functional deixis into the study of material culture in anthropology. Functional deixis begins with a thorough empirical description of communicative effects – visual and embodied – produced by a material thing on the beholder. It then proceeds by tending to a kind of...

En este escrito analizamos los itinerarios y las estrategias de acción desplegadas por los jóvenes rapanui en la ejecución de sus fugas. Con ambos aspectos accedemos a una dimensión micropolítica y fenomenológica de estas.

Reviews and interviews


Set on Rotuma in Fiji, this classic tale of unconditional love is given new meaning and relevance today as it explores issues of conservation, tradition versus freedom, and prejudice against black skin among Polynesians.