09 Feb 2024  |  Philipp Schorch & Antoinette Maget Dominicé

Digital things in motion

LMU Munich, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology

This workshop aims to understand what happens when material things – artefacts, works of art, photographs and archival records – become digitized and are set into motion. The focus on this happening is twofold. One the one hand, we set out to interrogate things’ changing status and potential (ontological, epistemological, political, ethical, legal etc.) once they undergo digital transformations and embark on trajectories. One the other, we seek to explore the associated practices of knowledge making, identity formation, political negotiation, legal contestation and so on, which are required by and facilitated through digitally travelling things. The workshop invites contributions based on case studies, which are historically informed, empirically grounded and theoretically ambitious in order to offer building blocks for a framework of digital things in motion with broader implications beyond individual cases.


Yaniv Benhamou (Université de Genève )

Lucas Burkart (Universität Basel)

Rosemary A. Joyce (University of California, Berkeley)

Nicola Lercari (LMU Munich)

Antoinette Maget Dominicé (Université de Genève)

Luisa Marten (LMU Munich)

Diego Muñoz (LMU Munich)

Philipp Schorch (LMU Munich)

Magnus Treiber (LMU Munich)


See the workshop program for more information.