
30 Apr 2021  |  Diego Muñoz, Philipp Schorch & Cristián Moreno Pakarati

Collecting Rapa Nui

EHESS, Centre de recherche et de documentacion sur l'Océanie

Seminar talk (online)

23 Apr 2021 - 24 Apr 2021  |  Philipp Schorch & Frank Heidemann

Thinking through islandness

LMU Munich, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology

Workshop (online)

30 Mar 2021  |  Gesa Grimme

Taking responsibility through provenance research? Researchers, museum institutions and post-colonial contexts

Association of Social Anthropologists (ASA) Annual Conference

Conference talk (online)

18 Feb 2021 - 21 Feb 2021  |  Diana Gabler

Museologisch forschen: Perspektiven einer jungen Universitätsdisziplin für eine innovative Museumspraxis

Netzwerk junge Museumsforschung (University of Würzburg)

Workshop and BarCamp (online)

08 Feb 2021  |  Gesa Grimme

Di­gi­ta­le Pro­ve­ni­enz­for­schung: Chan­cen und Her­aus­for­de­run­gen

Provenance Research Colloquium (Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste in co-operation with CARMAH, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Panel discussion (online)

07 Feb 2021  |  Diego Muñoz

Rapanui memories of Chilean annexation: Controversial histories and the uncertain sovereignty of Rapa Nui (Easter Island)

ASAO Annual Conference

Conference talk (online)