
28 Jan 2021  |  Philipp Schorch

Reflexionen zu ethnographischen Geschichten und ozeanischen Museologien

OSPG Seminar Series (University of Vienna)

Seminar talk (online)

23 Nov 2020  |  Philipp Schorch & Diego Muñoz

Mapping Indigeneities in the 21st century

Oberseminar (LMU Munich, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology)

Seminar talk (online)

12 Nov 2020  |  Diego Muñoz

Rapa Nui and Chile: The uncertain sovereignty, conflicting histories and policies of Easter Island

The Amerikas Colloquium (LMU Munich, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology)

Seminar talk (online)

06 Nov 2020  |  Diego Muñoz

The Rapanui as Indigenous people of Chile: Performing kinship, autochthony and citizenship in Rapa Nui (Easter Island)

Anthropology of State Performance, Kinship and Relatedness (Riga Stradins University)

Conference talk (online)

21 Oct 2020 - 23 Oct 2020  |  Gesa Grimme

Das eigene Berufsfeld untersuchen: Provenienzforschung ethnografisch betrachten

Fieldwork Meets Crisis (boasblog)

DGSKA autumn school

21 Oct 2020  |  Philipp Schorch

Un-/Re-doing museums beyond critique

Advocacy, Indigeneity and Religion (University of Edinburgh)

Panel discussion (online)