
04 Sep 2023 - 08 Sep 2023  |  Diego Muñoz

Kulturerbe im Transit - Herausforderungen der Begriffsbestimmungen und der normativen Umsetzung

LMU Munich / Université Paris-Saclay / Université franco-allemande - Deutsch-Französische Hochschule, Bibracte, France

International Summerschool

17 Aug 2023  |  Ruben Darío Chambi

Indigenous futurism in Latin America: The case study of the Aymara in El Alto, Bolivia

TU Dresden, Disruptive Imaginations Conference

Panel presentation, 3:30 pm

28 Jul 2023  |  Ruben Darío Chambi

Qamiris: Aymara economic practices in the city of El Alto, Bolivia

DGSKA Conference (LMU Munich, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology)

Conference paper, 9:30 am & 11:30 am

27 Jul 2023  |  Ruben Darío Chambi

Contesting/contested knowledge in the field

DGSKA Conference (LMU Munich, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology)

Plenary, 9 am

27 Jul 2023  |  Diego Muñoz

Rapanui memorial practice of Indigenous and national sovereignties (Easter Island and Chile)

DGSKA Conference (LMU Munich, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology)

Conference paper, 11 am

26 Jul 2023  |  Philipp Schorch & Diana Gabler

Contested knowledge: Museological perspectives

DGSKA Conference (LMU Munich, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology)

Plenary, 6 pm