
15 Jan 2024  |  Noelle M.K.Y. Kahanu & Shelley Angelie Saggar

Fault Lines: Curator Q&A with Noelle M.K.Y. Kahanu

Noelle M.K.Y. Kahanu (Kanaka ʻOiwi/Native Hawaiian) is a fifteen-year veteran of the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, where she developed...

21 Dec 2023  |  Galumalemana Steven Percival & Eliza Encheva-Schorch

Seu and the ruffled bird catcher / Seu und die Magie des Waldes

Educational children’s story available in German

“Lafulafu a tama seugogo” is a Sāmoan proverb that teaches the importance of not judging another person by his or her appearance alone…

26 Sep 2023  |  Diana Gabler

Plenary review: "Contested Knowledge: Museological Perspectives"

The plenary "Contested Knowledge: Museological Perspectives" at the 2023 meeting of the German Anthropological Association...

09 Aug 2023  |  Cristián Moreno Pakarati

Taken Rapanui Heritage

In 2020, amidst the COVID pandemic, the tourism industry came to a complete halt, leaving Rapa Nui (also known as Easter Island)...

07 Jul 2023  |  IndiGen news

Watch Sina ma Tinirau now online for free!

Sina Ma Tinirau, the award-winning animated short featuring Polynesia's best-known love story of all time, is now available online!

09 Jun 2023  |  Diego Muñoz

Banderas indígenas: Recubrir, aglutinar, disolver

En marzo de 2023, en Santiago de Chile, como equipo de IndiGen nos reunimos con colegas de Chile y de Bolivia para reflexionar sobre...